export PNG weirdness

David Glasgow david at dvglasgow.wanadoo.co.uk
Thu Jun 29 04:16:01 EDT 2006

And while we are at it, I discovered that pre 2.7, (but I don't know 
which version) exported some PNGs that were *enormous*.  Simple 
screenshots were over 1 meg.  I realised that exporting seemed  s l o w 
but hadn't noticed the file sizes.  It wasn't until I was having a 
clear-out that I found hundreds of monster screenshots lurking on my 
disk.  They seemed OK in terms of displaying, but what was going on, I 
have no idea.

I would imagine it would be quite a challenge to add so much stuff to 
an image without corrupting it completely - unless it was some weird 
parallel universe anti matter anti compression algorithm collision.  
Somewhere out there my doppelganger is scratching his head wondering 
why his PNGs are so absurdly *small*.  Oh dear.  This flight of fantasy 
doesn't bode well for my productivity today.....

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

On 28 Jun 2006, at 7:59 pm, Chipp Walters wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> I too, have found some text rendering issues in the 2.7 series. Pre-
> 2.7, if the image had under a certain number of colors in it, the PNG
> export would choose to export in 8-bit-- very disconcerting.
> -Chipp

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