Drag and Drop Data
Jim Ault
JimAultWins at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 28 21:51:29 EDT 2006
On 6/28/06 4:28 PM, "Robert Sneidar" <bobs at twft.com> wrote:
> Here's a brain buster for you. Let's say I want to drag an email from
> Apple Mail and drop it onto a field. Normally nothing happens, even
> though the field gets focused. Is there any way to find out anything
> about the object being dropped onto the field? THAT would be cool. If
> you could create hot links to files or other drag and drop objects,
> like URL's and such, that would be mega cool. Can anyone say project
> manager with linked to-do's and contacts?
The key to your 'brain buster' is the concept of 'allow drag and drop'
within Rev. There are many example stacks of this at work. One of them is
Scripter's Scrapbook, which has elevated this to a high art of links,
categories, searching modes, hilting found text, and much much more.
I used to put most everything in Scripter's Scrapbook.rev in the early days,
then moved to a different, lees automatic organization system. There are
days when I wish I could have some of the fabulous features that Hugh put
into his work.
Also consider that Rev has its own library of email send and receive, so you
could even imagine doing without an email program. Think about a Rev
stack/substacks that read, compose, distribute, catalog all email activity.
No limit to the rules and features you could add.
I just added SMTP + a drag-drop email list interface to a small app I built
for a client who only needed to send to several groups (SMTP only). Each
card stores the set of groups for that card, so that any emails done here
get sent accordingly. Unlimited cards = unlimited combinations. To take
someone off all lists (leaves the company) is a simple repeat loop through
all the cards.
Sarah Riechelt http://troz.net/Rev/misc.php
This is a stack that uses Rev's built-in compression routines to compress
and expand any file. The latest version allows drag & drop but the drag
hilighting may not always go away properly if you move off the buttons. It
is stored as a zip file, so you can open it first, in order to open all the
other gz files
Hugh Senior http://www.flexiblelearning.com/ssbk/testimonials.html
Others are out there, and hopefully they will chime in.
Jim Ault
Las Vegas
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