[OT] Why would IT be a pain?

AJ4 aj445 at traverse.lib.mi.us
Thu Jun 22 13:57:14 EDT 2006

I sometimes find "It" rather zoomy to use, perhaps because these lines 
are often running in the background:	
This is It
and I am It
and You are It
and so is That
and He is It
and She is It
and It is It
and That is That.

-- James Broughton


> My first reaction was, "Well it just is what it is." Kinda Zen-like 
> don't
> you agree? :-)
> But on reflection, I think you're right. Though I have a deep 
> background in
> HyperCard where IT originated, I suspect that IT is a source of 
> confusion
> for lots of folks.
> Accordingly, I'm embarking on writing The Complete Guide to IT. Coming 
> soon
> a an eBook near you.
> Dan
> On 6/22/06, Richmond Mathewson <geradamas at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> My experience with Runtime Revolution is that many things would "be a
>> pain" were it not for the rapid and helpful response of members of 
>> the RR
>> use-list.
>> I am like most primates (!) and I learn patterns which I then 
>> (possibly)
>> over-generalise; this over-generalisation sometimes causes me pain  - 
>> the
>> latest being an over-generalisation about "it".
>> IT would be less of a pain were IT explicitly stated as to what IT 
>> could
>> be applied and what IT couldn't.
>> I also suspect that new users find IT extremely esoteric.
>> sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

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