teleprompter application- reverse text, smooth scrolling?

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Wed Jun 21 19:17:53 EDT 2006

no, no.... Flipping the WHOLE SCREEN at the MONITOR is the answer... 
electronically in real time.

I'm sure there are flat panel manufacturers that make screens do that 
- very simple these days....there might even be something in the OS 
that could do that.

at the cheesiest - one I suppose could write fast XCMDs to rewrite 
the screen bitmap continuously backwards in real time but...

you should stay with Standard display methods and find the right 
display. Remember the OPERATOR has to be able to read another, normal 

This is better handled with a monitor card in the PC that can output 
NTSC video, as opposed to VGA.

May I suggest you look into monitors /screens designed for the SUV 
'TV in the back, shut up Kids' market - many have a reversing feature 
(for backing up the car in lieu of rear visibility) - and some come 
in sizes up to 12 to 15", and they're designed to run on batteries.

These use 1V peak to peak video (in other words, standard composite 
video) instead of VGA to move the images around.  VGA (and other 
computer formats) have higher resolution, but are harder to split, 
and since the characters have to be pretty big, the loss in 
resolution should be ok. And since the output would be standard 
video, it's easy to split and use anywhere with any NTSC monitor.

Smooth scrolling?... maybe a camera and a few hundered feet of paper 
on a scroll...wait a minute...


>Elegant is Flash and the effects there -- 3D, reverse, mirror, wrap around..
>Perhaps altBrowser to display the mirror-text SWF..  A lot of work to do the
>simple thing you are aiming for.
>More practical would be.....
>Since it is a telepromter, why not try getting a screen image of each
>character (prob capital) then mirroring the png, then use
>set the imageSource of last char of me to "binfile:My Image"
>set the imageSource of char 1 of line 2 of field "This" to 2533
>Jim Ault
>Las Vegas

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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