Tables behaving badly

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Jun 20 13:44:42 EDT 2006

On 6/20/06 11:09 AM, "Jared Smith" <smith.sgt at> wrote:

> Ken,
> The idea of making the gridlines the same color as the background
> sounds good, but when I have a list item selected, you can see the
> gridlines for that selection. I wonder if there is a way to make the
> hilight lay on top to cover the lines? If so, the solution would be
> perfect.

Ok, here's a kludge, but it will work (at least on OS X, haven't tested it
on Win):

1) Take your table field and turn off the listbehavior and the autohilite
(so you can't show a hilite line).

2) Create a new list field that is the same size as the table field and set
its "opaque" to false. Make sure it has its autohilite and listbehavior
turned on.

3) For every line in your table field, put a space in the line of the
covering list field.

4) Set the ink (under the "Blend" section of the Properties palette) of the
covering list field to "adMin"

Switch to browse tool and click on a line in the list field - the hilite
will go over the table field contents and won't display the white gridlines
of the underlying table.

Of course you'd need to write code to make sure the two fields were in sync,
and make the covering list field's scrolling cause the underlying table
field to scroll the same as well, but it works.

If you need more info, or you can't replicate what I'm talking about, let me

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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