Reliability of background FTPing

Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Thu Jun 15 21:36:20 EDT 2006

On 6/15/06 5:52 PM, "Richard Miller" <wow at> wrote:

> (Not sure what happened with the first email. Will try again)
> We have a Rev application that uploads and downloads 1-2 mb files to
> our server approximately 5-10 times per hour. Currently, we are doing
> all of that ftp'ing in the foreground. We'd like to do it in the
> background. The question is about reliability. We have other
> activities ongoing, such as video capture and video replay. Would
> these activities effect background ftp'ing or be effected by it? The
> files must be transferred reliably.

You did not say what operating system you are using.

If Rev only solution, try using one of the following or both approaches:

if there is a file (path and filename) ..dnld began
if there is a file (url binary:/path and filename) .. upload began

set the defaultfolder to (path)
put the detailed files into fileList
--check item 5 of the line of the file you want to track for size change.

Perhaps getting the file size on the ftp server would allow size check
A different approach is to set the log field of the process and monitor the
messages posted there.
use libUrlSetLogField, making careful note of the syntax required

<you may need to check the syntax since I cannot break in to my Rev which is
running a critical program at the moment>

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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