[ANN] Tree Field available for download

Phil Davis davis.phil at comcast.net
Wed Jun 14 13:03:21 EDT 2006

Go Tereza! Your site looks great - even on Windows!

Since you're in learning mode... if you want to learn dark secrets about 
CSS, JS and other web-related things, check this out:


There are things there I never wanted to know!

Phil Davis

Tereza Snyder wrote:

> In a shameless ploy to get some attention for my almost-complete new  
> website, I've put my occasionally-requested Tree Field in the  
> "Resources" section of www.califexSoftware.com.
> The site was made in a crash attempt to learn CSS, and therefore is  
> not good with old browsers; and I'm not sure of Windows either.
> As fast as I can ready them for prime time, I'm going to add other  
> utilities I've developed over the years: a script search that  
> displays found items in context, an image manager for large projects,  
> a sound tester for trying out concatenated sounds, a property-setter  
> that takes advantage of multi-screen environments and muscle memory,  
> a project manager and program shell that takes care of versioning,  
> backups, and product releases... the usual sort of thing we all do  
> eventually for ourselves - or used to in the bad old days before so  
> many talented and prolific scripters stepped up to the plate.
> I welcome your reactions and criticism!
> t

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