preopenstack do not works in a stack that I transfered from mc to rev

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sat Jun 10 18:16:59 EDT 2006

> I made my stack "xyz" with mc 2.6.1. Then I opened it in rev 2.7.1 to
> connect it to a SQL-database.
> In the stackscript of "xyz"  I put the same code as  in the stack
> "SQL-Test" I made with rev directly.
> The stack "SQL-Test" connects well to its database, but in my stack
> "xyz" this code don't work.
> Here it is:
> on preopenstack
>      global gConID
>      put revdb_connect("sqlite3","DB_FLK.db",,,,,"my emailadress","my
> password") into tConID
>    if tConID is "" then
>      answer warning "Problem creating or accessing database!"
>    else
>      answer information "DB_FLK Connected! Your connection ID is: " &
> tConID
>      put tConID into gConID
>    end if
> end preopenstack
> When I create a button in the opened stack with the same code I get a
> connection to the database.
> Do anybody knows a help?

I think that when you try to open the database in your preOpenStack
handler, the database library has not yet been loaded. Try setting up
a delayed call to open it e.g.

on preOpenStack
  send "connectToDatabase" to me in 1 second
end preOpenStack

on connectToDatabase
    global gConID
    put revdb_connect("sqlite3","DB_FLK.db",,,,,"my emailadress","my
password") into tConID
  if tConID is "" then
    answer warning "Problem creating or accessing database!"
    answer information "DB_FLK Connected! Your connection ID is: " &
    put tConID into gConID
  end if
end connectToDatabase


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