database connect/query id's
Jan Schenkel
janschenkel at
Sat Jun 10 01:24:57 EDT 2006
--- Robert Mann <robmann at> wrote:
> can some one send me a complete example of how to
> connect to database then
> find the database id number to use in the query,
> then how to find the record
> set id number to use to display the data
> I think these are the four library items that need
> to be used?
> revOpenDatabase
> revDataBaseID
> revQueryDatabase
> revDatabaseCursors
> Thanks for the help
> Robert Mann
Hi Robert,
As Josh already suggested, download a copy of Sarah's
database example stack.
Another good introduction to Revolution and Databases
can be found in the altSQLite demo stack:
A basic script to connect, extract information and
disocnnect will look something like this:
on mouseUp
-- first connect to the database
put revOpenDatabase( \
"mysql", \ -- database type
"localhost", \ -- database server
"testdb", \ -- database name
"user", \ -- user name
"password", \ -- user password
"false") \ -- don't use SSL
into tConnectionID
-- check the connection
if tConnectionID is not a number then
answer error tConnectionID
exit mouseUp
end if
-- now query the database
put "SELECT * FROM Customers" into tSQLQuery
put revQueryDatabase( \
tConnectionID, \ -- the connection
tSQLQuery) \ -- the query
into tCursorID
-- check the cursor (aka the RecordSet)
if tCursorID is not a number then
answer error tCursorID
exit mouseUp
end if
-- now do something with the cursor
-- example: put revDatabaseColumnNames(tCursorID)
-- ...
-- finally clean up everything
revCloseCursor tCursorID
revCloseDatabase tConnectionID
end mouseUp
You may want to save the connection ID in a hlobal
variable, rather than connect to the database every
time you want to query it.
Hope this gets you started,
Jan Schenkel.
Quartam Reports for Revolution
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