Legacy format from code.

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 03:55:32 EDT 2006

On 6/9/06, Alex Shaw <alex at harryscollar.com> wrote:
> Had a quick look for a flag or command to control this from code (which
> would be handy) but haven't found anything.
> Any ideas?

Using a technique recently explained by Jacque, I went into the Help Docs,
selected the Dictionary, with the ctrl key down I clicked on a (any) column
heading for the pop-up menu to come up, and selected 'Version'. I then
clicked on the Version heading for the column to sort by Version - NOTE This
only works in 2.7 & 2.7.1 - the sorting doesn't work properly in 2.7.2. The
only results were 'antiAliased' property, 'preserveVariables' property and
'desktopChanged' message:-(

Not believing that these were the only ones I opened up the "What's New"
file, which is in the same place as the Rev app. It listed a whole heap of
new properties, especially relating to blends. But when I typed some of
these into the Help Doc 'Search' field it came up blank:-(

I'm sure years ago the 'What's New' use to list all the added
keywords/functions/properties under one heading, but that doesn't seem to be
the case anymore.

Just from a quick scan of the What's New 2.7.0, it would seem you need to be
careful of:

for starters.


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