Problems building Mac OSX standalone

Jon Seymour jonseymour at
Fri Jun 2 16:42:31 EDT 2006


After many months of successfully making Windows standalones from my  
OSX Tiger development machine, I tried building an OSX app today. To  
my chagrin, the process was futile. Although Rev claims to have saved  
the standalone successfully, the first bad sign is that when I  
dismiss the dialog to that effect, Rev immediately crashes. Then,  
examining the standalone, I see that Rev has not obeyed my command to  
create a separate stack file from each fact it's a  
single file. The new folder to contain the stack files is not created  
either. The app launches but doesn't work, as I would imagine since  
none of the files are where they are supposed to be. Finally, the app  
doesn't feature the icon I assigned in the standalone preferences,  
but rather the generic application icon. Help, anyone?

Thanks, Jon

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