Without Waiting
Phil Davis
revdev at pdslabs.net
Tue Jul 25 01:07:50 EDT 2006
Hi Bridger,
The basic answer is no. Rev doesn't support multi-threading.
However, you can use different 'wait' options in a long-running handler that
will let you successfully interact with the UI, for example. You can also break
a long-running handler up into smaller parts that get started by a 'send... in 0
seconds' or whatever time you want. That gives you the same interactivity
support as the 'wait' option.
Phil Davis
Bridger Maxwell wrote:
> Hey,
> Is it possible to have two handlers, and to call the second handler from
> within the first handler, and have the first handler keep executing without
> waiting for the second handler to finish?
> Example:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> on Handler1
> Handler2 ---Call this handler, but don't wait for it to finish before
> beeping
> beep
> end Handler1
> on Handler2
> doSomeStuffThatTakesALongTime
> end Handler2
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You
> Bridger
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