
Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Sat Jul 22 19:42:53 EDT 2006

You want to write to a ram buffer, right?
You'll probably have to write an xcmd  or have one written.

Realtime audio programming is a special skill set you bring in big guns for.

The good news is that at least on a Mac, you could applescript 
control a good, already existing audio app. My favorite is 
SoundStudio 3, and every function in the app is applescriptable -- I 
just checked. I'm sure it could work in the background, too, with as 
many windows open and sounds playing at once as you want.

I don't know if there would be easy equivalents in Windoze. VBasic audio?


>  I am in desperate need for some way to record sound, besides the
>record command.  The record command takes half a second to start and
>end, and it saves the data to a file.  This is just not what I am
>looking for.  If there is any way to directly read from the microphone
>port (on a mac and pc) I desperately need to know how.  Thanks for
>your help.
>  Thank You,
>     Bridger

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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