Can this be done faster ?

John Miller johnmiller1950 at
Thu Jul 20 22:27:12 EDT 2006


I once wrote an inventory control program for a company using  
Revolution.  They had many thousands of items that I read out of  
their database and then sorted and processed.

I found that using a repeat for that many items was extremely slow.   
The solution that I found which made things blazingly fast was to  
only process about 50 items at a time.

For instance:

put 50 into XX
put the ticks into timer
repeat until listXX is empty
   put line 1 to XX of listXX into listYY
   delete line 1 to XX of listXX
   repeat with x = 1 to (number of lines in listYY)
      doaction to line x of listYY
   end repeat
end repeat
put the ticks - timer

Using the format above, you can experiment to see which value for XX  
is the most advantageous. I was able to whittle my time down from 45  
seconds to less than 1.

Good Luck
John Miller

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