the long name of me OR the long ID of me?

Peter T. Evensen pevensen at
Wed Jul 19 10:46:50 EDT 2006


The "long name" includes the object specifier, so I don't think you need to 
use the object with the long name, like "enable btn tLongName" but do 
instead "enable tLongName"

As to why 'set the filename of tPlayer() to ""' isn't working, 
I don't know.  If you use "long name" instead of "long ID" does it work 
more reliably?  You might want to put the return of tPlayer() into a 
variable and make sure it does contain what you are thinking it should in 
all cases.

At 06:46 PM 7/18/2006, you wrote:
>To easily identify a specific control on a card in a stack, what
>method do you use?
>I have been trying several, and am getting intermittent bugs...
>method 1: set the calSender of stack "greenbongo" to the long name of me
>method 2: set the calSender of stack "greenbongo" to the long ID of me
>then, in scripts:
>send "datePicked" to btn the calSender of stack "greenbongo"
>         put the calSender of stack "greenbongo" into tSender
>         send datePicked to tSender
>         put the calSender of stack "greenbongo" into tSender
>         send datePicked to btn tSender
>This usually works but bothers me because the custom property
>actually starts with the word "button", so I am saying "btn button..."
>method 3:
>function tPlayer
>  return the long ID of Player "video" of cd "this" of stack "that"
>end tPlayer
>then, in scripts:
>set the filename of tPlayer() to ""
>This works sometimes, but seems not to work other times.
>Sometimes I resort to the full "pathname" but this makes scripts
>dense and cluttered.
>Thanks for clearing up this foggy area for me!
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Peter T. Evensen
314-629-5248 or 888-682-4588 

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