Internal security of Rev?

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Mon Jul 17 23:29:29 EDT 2006

On 7/14/06, Stephen Barncard <stephenREVOLUTION at> wrote:
> That's BS. When a company can simply look up a registration for a
> lost dongle, replacement should be a feature (with suitable hassle),
> not punishment.

Hmmm, sounds like a similar attitude my children have re misplaced school
socks, runners, text books and extends to mobile phones. 'You've got lots of
money you can just buy new ones." And I could, but it wouldn't teach
responsibility. Whether we're talking diamond rings, cheap plastic cards
that allow access to 'highly restricted areas' or dongles for software
valued at tens of thousand of dollars upwards I believe there is a need to
instill an understanding of the 'value' of an object and have procedures to
prevent asset loss.

iLok does this for Pro-Tools plugins; for $30/year most plugs can be
> insured and loaded onto a spare dongle.

Yes, I believe insurance is an avenue my brother suggests, although even
insurance companies aren't too pleased to fork out $80,000 unless certain
requirements have been met.

I recently had a conversation with a guy who does electronic security,
specializing in Casinos. He indicated that more than half of a Casio's
security budget is spent on protecting the companies assets from employees!
Some have suggested that the attitude of having to pay in full for a
replacement dongle would drive people to 'crack' the code. I would suggest
that if the company charged 'half' for the replacement dongle, it would
provide a 'cheap' way to pick up an extra copy without all the hassle of
cracking the code.

Closer to the topic at hand. Somewhere earlier I noted someone mentioned
storing 'valuable' data in custom props and then emptying the props on
closeStack. With my insecure work with mySQL I follow a similar procedure,
only after all transactions are complete do I clear the fields and custom
props. If I start the stack and there is data in a field or custom prop then
it indicates that something 'failed' during the process and so hopefully I
can retrieve the data and complete the transaction without too much hassle.
Conversely, if you are working with secure data I imagine a simple Save and
'Force Quit' followed by opening the stack in a text editor will reveal all
the data in custom props - maybe not what you were hoping for.


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