
Bob Warren bobwarren at howsoft.com
Mon Jul 17 14:42:22 EDT 2006

Thanks for the great inside info, Rishi!

 >Complicated though.
You ain't jokin'!

 >Who uses floppy drives anymore anyway?
You'd be surprised. And I'm one of them. But that's not the latest 
trend. My son #3 (a computer professional) laughs every time I even 
mention the word "diskette". I asked him to buy me a box this afternoon, 
and he nearly refused. Should my file/picture chooser widgets exclude 
the possibility of loading files from floppies? Possibly.

For now, I'm going to extend my implementation of the 6th 

Seriously though, I'm interested in eventually finding out how this 
whole thing will finally sort itself out, and your tips will be a great 
help for me to keep track of it. Thanks again.


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