Game Developers -- Call

Tereza Snyder tereza at
Fri Jul 14 20:32:16 EDT 2006

On Jul 14, 2006, at 3:58 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

> 1) have been making cross platform games for at least five years as  
> a regular activity.
> 2) has created at least 20 or more games, some percentage of which  
> have actually attained a bit of market share. i.e. you have some  
> track record of successful "addictive" games, you can confidently  
> say "yes, I think I know what I am doing and what works."
> 3) willing to work for "non-profit rates" (we don't have big New  
> York budgets, we also don't have high pressure schedules)
> 4) has a natural interest in (affinity for)  and some familiarity  
> with eastern religious-philosophical content (game dialog, words  
> used, characters etc will all relate to things like karma,  
> reincarnation etc.)
> 5) has produced games not only for "children" but some games with a  
> bit higher  intellectual content (i.e. the target market will  
> include literate teens and young adults)
> If you think you may qualify, but not quite fitting above criteria,  
> go ahead and respond. I would need to see some samples of your work.

Hi Sivakatirswami,

I qualify at maybe 30% in each of your categories but I can't help  
expressing an interest. I long to work on an advanced project with  
someone who "can confidently say 'yes, I think I know what I am doing  
and what works.'"

I'm not the savvy mastermind you describe, but when you assemble your  
team keep me in mind to fill a gap in capabilities. Meanwhile, see my  
website for small samples of my work.


Tereza Snyder

    Califex Software, Inc.

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