Standalone problems

Bob Hartley rev at
Fri Jul 14 07:51:18 EDT 2006

"Sarah Reichelt" <sarah.reichelt at> wrote:

> > > However the plugin problem remains, but I can workaround that.
> >
> > I cant compill any app that needs dll's etc. Well I will comile but none
> > of the dll's are copied over. My app works perfectly in the IDE but not
> > compilled (even when I copy the dll's)
> After copying over the DLLs try setting the externals of your mainStack to
> the exact file path of the external.

Well done Sarah. 

Everything okay now.
I made a substack ABexternals and a field ABfldExternals and used
set he externals of stack "armbaseide" to field "ABfldExternals of stack
In that field I have 
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq\Desktop\ABxml1\externals\revxml.dll

Now works a treat and the app works with a copy of the dll's.

How would I make that work for wherever the user has it in their HardDrive
(windows only I'm afraid so should be easier) I remember that I has short
filepath problems when I tried this before.

PS your working late in Oz. Thankfully :-)

Bob; Sunny Scotland.....Honest :-)
> Cheers, Sarah

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