Dependence on Programming Experts

Brian Yennie briany at
Fri Jul 14 00:11:21 EDT 2006

For fun, try inserting this as a front script:

on returnInField
   get offset(("field "&quote&"script"&quote&" of card 
"&quote&"revscript"&quote), the long name of the target)
   if (it = 1) then
     put word 2 of the selectedLine into lineNum
     put line (lineNum) of fld "script" of card "revscript" into prevLine
     if (token 2 of prevLine is "=") then
       put ("put"&&(token 3 to -1 of prevLine)&&"into"&&(token 1 of 
prevLine)) into line (lineNum) of fld "script" of card "revscript"
       select empty
       send "revFormatField lineNum,lineNum" to card "revscript"
       select after line (lineNum) of fld "script" of card "revscript"
     end if
   end if
   pass returnInField
end returnInField

Now edit any script and enter "x=5" or some other simple assignment on 
a line by itself. Hit return. Voila, translation to "verbose" =)!

I'm sure there are various ways a plugin could use this sort of magic 
to allow customized syntax, without needing changes to the Rev engine. 
It would just become a script editor convenience. You could always trap 
script editing messages to even hide the conversion rather than 
converting it on the fly.

- Brian

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