Contextual (right-click) menus

Klaus Major klaus at
Thu Jul 13 12:40:05 EDT 2006

Hi Jared,

> Wow, I think we had a communication problem. When I think of "pop-down
> menu," I think of that control on the tools pallette that pops a list
> of choices down. I figured you guys wanted me to hide one of those
> everywhere to get the same effect as a contextual menu.

Sorry for the confusion :-)

No, we mean it seriously!
All menus in Rev are in fact buttons (sic!) in disguise ;-)

> I'll have to check that tutorial out when I get home o_0

Good idea, Monsieur Eric C. has a lot of very nice tutorials and they
are all worth to work through them!

BTW, bon jour a Paris!
Ca va bien, Eric, mon ami? :-)


Klaus Major
klaus at

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