Dependence on Programming Experts

Ken Ray kray at
Wed Jul 12 18:01:40 EDT 2006

On 7/12/06 2:17 PM, "Dan Shafer" <revolutionary.dan at> wrote:

> No, I'm not kidding. I'm sure you knew Director users who never cracked
> Lingo. 

Actually, no, I didn't. To me that's like saying there are Rev users that
haven't used Transcript. ;-)

I guess we ran in completely different circles. I was involved on the
Director-L list and working to get complicated prorgams running, so everyone
I communicated with or knew about who were using Director was coding in

> At one point I recall someone from Macromedia telling me that less
> than 20% of their Direcotr users were scripting much, or maybe at all. That
> was in conjunction with some language enhancements they were considering.

Wow... that would really surprise me, but as I said, we probably ran in very
different circles.
> Now, I may be *wrong*. But I'm not kidding! Big difference.

Agreed. :-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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