Wanted: Insights on implementing continuations. (Related to web frameworks)
Andre Garzia
soapdog at mac.com
Wed Jul 12 03:13:12 EDT 2006
Hi Folks,
if anyone is reading this standing this standing please sit on your
favorite chair because this will be a somewhat deep email that might
need sometime to sink in and I'd value any comment or insight anyone
can give me.
As many on this lists know, I've been building some web frameworks
for sometime and I am reaching a point where I need some help. Most
help I need now is on theory and good ideas. This email is touching
the topics of continuations and why we need them for webframeworks.
Continuations are not a familiar concept for xTalk coders, actually I
think that most people familiar with that will be from coding in
functional languages such as Scheme.
I am no expert in continuations, not even close, I am newbie on that
as I can be.
Imagine that you have this piece of code:
ask "what is your name?"
This piece of code would use the ask dialog box, pick the result and
return the result inside the it variable to the handler that called
it. Pretty simple standard behaviour, right? Well now imagine that
you want to call a function but you want that the result of that
function should be routed to some other place. So you name your
function and the result should be routed to the CONTINUATION. I am
sure this is not the best way to talk about such concept, this not
exactly the full concept. The right concept might be thinking about
Futures. For a simple address book database we might be asking the
user many questions like what is his name, age, email and stuff. The
idea about continuations is that when you ask it's name, it knows
that in the future it will ask it's age and so on. I really wished I
had this concept better understood so that I could talk it better.
One way to think about what I am here styling as continuations is to
think about flows, the work flow, it goes from present to future. The
way the web apps usually works is going from past to present. Most
web apps will keep track of what's been done because they don't have
a continuation mechanism. So everytime your web app launches and this
happens a lot with CGI it needs to poke it's cookies, session vars
and stuff to discover what's been done and where to go from that point.
If you think of the web using Revolution metaphors like each page is
a card. And you have a card with a quiz and some other card with
additional info that you'd be showing depending on the user response.
One way to work would be showing the first form, driving the answers
to a cgi that would save them to a session then depending on the
variables (poking into the past) it would render the additional form
and pass that to a third CGI that would get the new additional form
data and restore the former session from the previous cgi thus
summing everything into a variable soup that it could use. This is
how 90% of the web guys are doing. I want it more elegant.
The main issue with the web is that we cannot push data into the
browser after it closes de connection, we can hack our way using ajax
techniques but yet, we would not be pushing data, ajax would be
retrieving it. Why am I so concerned about this? think of a
colopicker, in a web form you might have a field that is a color
picker, when you click it it refreshes the page to show you a very
nice color picker and then it picks your chosen color and return to
the same form as before with your color value there. If we had
support for continuations and session saving restoring, we could
create that. As it is, we would be doing a lot of session saving,
poking into the past, checking things and just to have our web app
broken as soon as some user hit the back button (thus destroying the
What I want to do is to make the following pseudo-code possible:
on fiddleWithColors
WebAskColor "choose color for background?"
set the backgroundcolor to it
WebDisplayWithMessage "new background color."
end fiddleWithColors
What is the problem with this thing, well, there are two trips to the
browser, one WebAskColor would render a color picker and would pick
the answer and return to the same handler. This is currently
impossible because after rendering the HTTP connection is broken, the
guy picks the color, a new request is created and sent to the server.
No way you could talk to the browser and pick answers in the same
handler. The way we currently work in libCGI and libFCGI is by
relying on callbacks, we send something and tags the handler that
will be called afterward which is the continuation for that handler.
What we would do is to have a handler to render the color picker
form, a cgi logic to pick the answer and change the display for the
new form, we would need at least two handlers in libCGI. You could
ask me: "What is wrong with having a function and a continuation
callback?", well the answer is, what happens if you're implementing
some big project with a complex workflow? Do you want to have a
callback for each thing, for each step a render and a callback?
Imagine a wizard like web app, that goes gathering data theu a range
of 38 pages and 200 questions, like a class exam... one callback per
page, saving state forward and deciding what to show... Thats why we
must think of this problem if we ever want our Revolution web work to
scale to enterprise.
If we had multi thread or forking support, I could spawn a new
proccess/thread for each request and use debugging stepper like
techniques to go thru the code rendering things as necessary and
stepping thru the code as needed. Without multi thread or forking
support, I can't afford to lock the engine inside a handler waiting
for the browser to return data, this would clog all the other users.
So we're locked in a monothread-no-process-for-you engine and we know
that coding using callbacks for every single action our software
needs to take is not the best way around, how should we work? Should
we implement a pre-processor that would pick code like the above and
re-factor it using callbacks, much easier to write? Should we build
some kind of save state machine able to save globals and vars and
stack state and keep saving/restoring at each cycle?
Coding in xTalk is simple, coding web apps in xTalk must also be
simple or we'll be loosing something. The key to keep xTalk simple is
not to make the developer waste it's time with coding things that are
not related to the problem he is trying to solve. That is what moved
me away from C/C++, I was so overhelmed with memory managemend and
keep tracking of which pointer is pointing at who that I was not
actually doing anything related to solving the problem I had at hand.
If when the xTalk dev is trying to fiddle with web apps and he needs
to manually keep track of sessions and generate his own functions to
poke the system so that his app can discover where in the work flow
it is, then he'll be spending 70% of his time doing this things and
30% of his time actually doing his app. If we had a smart way to do
continuations, to tag, you go from here, to there and your state is
safe even if the user clicks that silly back button, then we would be
actually ahead of many technologies out there...
did anyone understood what I am talking about? it's 4:11 AM here in
brazil and I haven't slept yet. Spent the whole night reading about
RoR, PHP, JSP, Servlets, Seaside, Call/CC and all those papers got me
thinking too much, I decided to ask for comments before settling on
any technique...
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