Dependence on Programming Experts

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Thu Jul 6 11:36:50 EDT 2006

Greg, look at some APL or C source code. Then you might understand 
why we use Transcript. It doesn't get better than this.

I don't see any "grunts or groans" in it. I see an English-like 
language that most of us can 'get' after a couple of weeks 
experimenting. The stuff we don't know yet we can look up.

A program is nothing more than a list of things to do. Period. That 
list requires statements. What would you propose this list be 
comprise of? Pictures?

If you can't see that, and that 'technical stuff' is bothering you 
then perhaps Revolution and programming in general is not for you.


>The real question that needs to be answered is, why now, with the tools of
>today, like Squeak or Croquet, would I want to resort to "coding" using the
>grunts and groans of yesteryear?  I'm sorry for those many years you and
>others have toiled away trying to master those alien techniques "required"
>to make a machine do relatively simple things.  I don't have a lot of years
>left to start from the point people like you started at many years ago.  We
>should have come farther by now and should not be satisfied with anything
>other than those tools which save us the most time and energy.  I made no
>insult to any person by suggesting that standard "programming" is the
>equivalent of communication using a series of grunts and groans.  The fact
>that inventors of "modern" computer languages do not see beyond those
>methods which have already spent the lives of millions of deskbound slaves
>really constitutes the major technological insult.  It is the required use
>of languages like these that force users like us to become "dumbed down".
>Need we submit to this kind of humiliation?
>Greg Smith

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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