Dependence on Programming Experts
Garrett Hylltun
garrett at
Wed Jul 5 20:07:21 EDT 2006
GregSmith wrote:
> Dan & Malte:
> O.K., you asked for it. First, though, let me explain my own personal
> dilemma. I would have to agree with many of you out there, that there are
> limitations that come bundled with whatever single use tool you commit
> yourself to. None ever provides everything you wish they did. Though a
> product like Keynote does many of the things I need, it doesn't do them all
> and leaves me wishing and waiting for a time when it might. Or might not.
> User requests for new features only go so far. And moving a megaladon like
> Apple could prove to be next to impossible.
> So, you're right. Revolutioon offers an environment that seems very
> appealing from that point of view, alone. Make something that does
> precisely what you want it to do, the way you want it to do it. Expand such
> a creation at any point in the future. It does, indeed, seem limitless with
> regard to creative possibilities. So, yes, I'm sold on that aspect of the
> Revolution offering.
> But, English-like, or not, I just don't take to programming like ducks do to
> water. The very nature of performing all the teeny tiny little steps that
> you must perform to get even the most basic things done is an exercise in
> patience that may go beyond my capability to endure. I wish it were not so.
> I wish I were smarter and had the patience of Yoda. Maybe, someday I'll
> attain to it, but, today, I lack.
I forgot to mention one more thing in my reply. I understand what you
are saying with regards to being able to understand the syntax used in
Rev. Upon first look it really seems intimidating to anyone, not just a
newbie. At first, I was totally lost with Rev, and I'm not a newbie
either, as I've been programming in one form or another of basic or
other exotic scripting language since 1996.
But! It's one of those things that after you spend a few weeks to maybe
a month, it all of a sudden hits you like a brick in the forehead...
BAM! "Oh Yeah... I get it now!" It's not an instantaneous effect. And
it won't take years to comprehend, or years to become capable for
someone to use. It's merely a matter of weeks or months, and I'd even
say a newbie would be able to catch on within months.
I even suffer from A.D.D., and was totally lost at first, even working
the IDE was causing me some frustration, but then one day... BAM! And
now it's like taking the dog for a walk.
Transcript does become as logical as the English language... Errr, not
that the English language is really logical, but you know what I mean.
It's not exactly like speaking English, but it's as close as I think you
can come to such an attempt.
I'd say ride it out a little bit longer. Grab some of the simple
examples and just keep looking at the source code. Lookup the commands
and functions you see in the source codes to see what they are doing.
Then maybe take a chance and make a few changes in that example.
Check out some of the tutorials available.
Try it for 30 days, and if you're not fully capable of understanding
Rev, we'll give you back your life! Ok, we won't give you anything
back, but at least you'll have tried.
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