Maximum image size

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sun Jul 2 18:30:23 EDT 2006

> >> >I have been checking for images with any
> >> >dimension greater than 4000 so that's probably a safe margin. However
> >> >it sounds ...
> >...snip...
> >>... t worked with anything larger than 5 Mpx (2576x1932);but I
> >>encountered no problems with MacOSX Rev v2.1.2 and WinXP Rev2.7.
> >
> >Try showing a really big image in an image object - you just get black
> >& grey streaks but no error message when setting the filename of the
> >image, which is a real problem.
> My portfolio stack has a zoom in slider which displays a 5 Mpx jpeg
> at full size--or at least that portion that fits within the stack's
> rect and is not covered by an opaque mask.

It's related to the number of pixels rather than the size of the
image. I have a 3 MB JPG that's 6572 x 8293 pixels. That will not
display correctly and resizing the image object makes no difference.
However a 9 MB file that is only 3303 x 3015 pixels will display
perfectly. I want to do some tests to confirm the exact point at which
the problems occur: it does not fail just because one of the
dimensions is over 4096 pixels, as I can display an image that is 3048
x 9280. So the limiting factor must be the 2 dimensions multiplied.

I tried lowering the number of colors with the first image (6572 x
8293) and that made no difference, even when I went down to 256

Anyway Rob, you may want to add a check for large images to your
portfolio stack, as the result looks terrible if the image is too


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