Auto Attach File to email
Andre Garzia
soapdog at
Sat Jan 28 11:20:02 EST 2006
There are libraries available that can send emails with attachments
in any platform revolution runs, for example libSMTP and libMail by
Shao Sean!
On Jan 27, 2006, at 8:02 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:
> Auto creation of emails from within my "remote tool box apps" which
> send information with respect to the project (auto extract data
> from some field and poke into the email) back to home base, is
> obviously useful.
> Now what I would like to add to this model is the ability to attach
> a document... in particular a screen shot, to that email. (though I
> supposed any document could be plugged in...) Program flow -
> algorithm would go something like this:
> put "/user/documents/tempPix.gif" into tTempScreenShot
> export snapshot to file tTempScreenShot -- displays crosshairs to
> select area
> put "Question on this Word" into tSubject
> put fwGestalt() into tbody # get all kind of sys info
> put cr & cr & fld "whatever" after tBody
> put cr & cr & "Comments: " after tBody
> # I'm just guessing at this point:
> put url "/User/Documents/somepath/screenShot.gig" into tAttachFilePath
> revGoURL ("mailto:katir at" & tSubject & "&body=" &
> tBody & [attach= tAttachFilePath])
> Again, in the parameters for revGoURL above, I'm just guessing
> delete file tTempScreenShot
> ----------
> Solution needs to be cross platform- mac windows... any ideas?
> I could do this with applescript, but most of my users are on
> Windows...
> One could also use another model for this which would be to post
> all the data to our linux web server and have a CGI handle the mail
> and the attachment... by using Sendmail cmds, but this is an added
> "application layer" one tries to avoid.
> Then there is the option to post just the file to the internet
> serve and put the http://mysever/path/screenShot.jpg" link in the
> email, but this fragments the response. (screen shot is not
> actually visible in the email that discusses the issues...)
> But, if revGoURL's limitations are such...
> Sivakatirswami
> I see lots of refs to this on the net but this one is troubling,
> though perhaps very old, indicating that "Outlook" will not handle
> a simple path parameter to a doc.
> ============
> However, you commonly see code trying to use mailto like this:
> mailto:shiver at there
> shipmate&Body=Here's the shipping
> manifest&Attach="D:\manifest.doc"
> It probably won't attach the document because you are at the
> liberty of the email client to implement the mailto protocol and
> include parsing for the attachment clause. You may not know what
> mail client is installed on the PC, so it may not always work -
> Outlook certainly doesn't support attachments using mailto.
> ==========
> but there is this C code option, but I don't think ther eis a
> simple way to add a C code chunk to a rev script on the fly
> If your customers are using Outlook or Outlook Express as their
> email client, then you can use the MailTo comamnd with a little
> help. Here is the C# code I use to programmatically add attachments
> to emails.
> string filename = openFileDialog1.FileName;
> // look at the registry mailto command to determine the default
> email client
> RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"mailto\shell
> \open\command");
> if (key != null)
> {
> // look for Outlook
> string mailto_command = (string) key.GetValue("");
> if (mailto_command.ToLower().IndexOf("outlook.exe") > 0)
> {
> // execute mailto: command
> string execute = @"mailto:?";
> System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(execute);
> // delay 1/2 second so that the email client can open
> Thread.Sleep(500);
> // send keys to add file as an attachment
> SendKeys.Send("%(if)" + filename + "{TAB}{TAB}{ENTER}");
> }
> // look for Outlook Express
> else if (mailto_command.ToLower().IndexOf("msimn") > 0)
> {
> // execute mailto: command
> string execute = @"mailto:?";
> System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(execute);
> // delay 1/2 second so that the email client can open
> Thread.Sleep(500);
> // send keys to add file as an attachment
> SendKeys.Send("%ia" + filename + "{TAB}{TAB}{ENTER}");
> }
> else // unsupported email client
> {
> // tell user only Outlook and Outlook Express are supported
> MessageBox.Show("The MailTo button only works with Outlook and
> Outlook Express", "Your default email client is not supported",
> MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
> }
> }
> else // unsupported email client
> {
> // tell user only Outlook and Outlook Express are supported
> MessageBox.Show("The MailTo button only works with Outlook and
> Outlook Express", "Your default email client is not supported",
> MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
> }
> Curt
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