how to create an hotspots on an image??

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri Jan 27 13:17:53 EST 2006

Salaam DAHIYA Nitesh,

> Hello ,
> How can I make parts of image clickable in revolution?  Can I paste  
> the
> image in the card. and on the image i create different sections or
> hotspots which are clickable?
> Please let me know if you have any idea.

I would use some buttons and set their "ink" to "noop"!

This way the buttons will only be "visible" to the engine :-)
Means they are invisible to the user but are "clickable".

Or use some FILLED "polygons" with a "mouseup" handler if you need
irregular shaped sections... Set their inks to "noop".

Hope that helps.

> Thanks
> Best Regards
> Nitesh Dahiya


Klaus Major
klaus at

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