Playing Quicktime movies from a server...

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Wed Jan 25 13:57:33 EST 2006

Hi David,

Visit <streaming-server-dev at> to get all the  
backgrounds in about Quicktime streaming. Low traffic list but always  
the best place about QT.


Le 25 janv. 06 à 19:40, David Bovill a écrit :

> Does anyone have any experience of how to do this?
>> QuickTime video can be encoded to stream off of a video server, or  
>> it can be encoded to stream off of any standard web server like  
>> you're already using to host your current web site. This second  
>> method of streaming is the most popular and is commonly referred  
>> to as http streaming, or QuickTime progressive download (a.k.a  
>> fast start).
> Ideally I'd like to be able to play then without having to download  
> the movie first - and then have the data locally.
>> If you specify a URL for a streaming QuickTime movie file,  
>> Revolution displays the movie sequentially as it downloads.  
>> Otherwise, Revolution must download the entire file before you can  
>> play it. To pre-fetch a file from the Internet in order to speed  
>> up access to it, use the load command before visiting the card  
>> that holds the player or image that references the file's URL.
> OK - but in either case where is the downloaded QuickTime file and  
> how can I copy it to a permanent store?
> A final question is which is a faster or more reliable method to  
> use (given that I can access the files either by ftp or http:
>     load url
> or
>     libURLDownloadToFile
> And is there a way to resume a download after pausing it for some  
> reason?
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Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

psahores+ at
sc+ at

Mobile  :   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Tel/Fax :   +33 1 64 45 05 33


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