Discontinued Software, The Law, Morals and Hypercard

Scott Kane davidkane at ozemail.com.au
Sun Jan 22 14:56:52 EST 2006

> -----Original Message-----

> I am prepared to send copies of Hypercard to people who
> have previously had legal copies but have lost them in some
> way: dud hard-disk, a feeling that HC had had its day and
> then regretting it, and so on. This is completely different 
> from saying "come and get it".

No.  It isn't different.  Software piracy is software
piracy.  Whether it be old or new software the product
is and remains (unless otherwise disposed of or stated
by a holder of copyright their intention to donate it)
for the full length of the copyright owners right to
ownership (and such ownership can pass from the copyright
holder to an heir) which varies between countries.  The whole
concept of "abandon ware" is as naïve and illogical as the
arguments generated to support it.  Personally I'd be
very concerned, that somebody on this list might submit your details
to Apple and the BSA.  Now - who here would do such a thing...  ;;-)

Scott Kane

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