Puzzling lack of debugging information

Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Sun Jan 22 11:03:22 EST 2006

Hi Graham,

>if there is an error during this initialisation sequence, the
>debugger doesn't start up and I don't see the script error window.
>Instead I get a comment in the message box

Does your standalone include preOpen logic--either preOpenStack or 
preOpenCard for the first card to open?

I have not tested this in v2.6.1; but I have noted in previous 
versions that some errors in preOpenStack handlers are _never_ 
reported.  In other words, Rev would open the stack without reporting 
any problem; but if one then typed "preOpenStack" in the Message 
Window, an error message is returned.

Rob Cozens
Serendipity Software Company

"They who voluntarily put themselves under the power of a tyrant 
deserve whatever fate they receive."

                 -- Aesop, The Hawk and the Pigeons 

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