Amazing, strange, and mystifying

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Sat Jan 21 11:35:59 EST 2006

YES, you can just breathe on the scripts and they want to be saved!
Of course pasting in text would be a desired alteration, but I notice 
it gets 'dirty' even if on doesn't change anything in the script but 
if one just copies it!

>hey, I just did this 5 times in a row and then understood why!
>when you paste a script and hit the enterkey "or" choose "Apply script"
>menu, the script may not save...
>To fix it, make it a habit to press enter after you paste something in the
>script editor...
>bugzilla 1920 actually... Bugzilla is marked as fixed again when it isn't ;)
>Hopefully Ben or someone else will reopen it ;)
>I added 5 votes so hopefully it gets noticed again...

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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