revMail, OSX 10.4.4 and Umlaute

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Tue Jan 17 01:53:13 EST 2006

> On OSX 10.4.4 I´m using revMail to send some Data using the Mac-Mail-
> Programm..
> After upgrading to 10.4.4. this doesn´t work. I found the cause was
> a  "german Umlaut" in the text of the subject.
> revmail "hello at","Hier Ausfüllen","Text of Mail"
> doesn´t work, but
> revmail "hello at","Hier Ausfuellen","Text of Mail"
> will be ok.

The same thing happens on Mac OS X 10.4.3 here, although you need an
extra comma between the "To" address & the subject, unless you want to
specify a CC recipient.

I had a look at the script in the revCommon library and it contains
the following lines:
    put urlEncode(pSubject) into pSubject
    put urlEncode(pBody) into pBody
    replace "+" with "%20" in pSubject
    replace "+" with "%20" in pBody

I would have thought they would make it work, even with umlauts, but
in fact, when I commented them out, it all worked fine. This may be
only with later Mac systems and it may be only with Apple mail rather
than any other email client, so I would be reluctant to make the
change for an app you mean to distribute, but for your own purposes,
it should work fine.


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