Windows deployment

Scott Kane scott at
Sat Jan 14 00:21:29 EST 2006

Hi Marty,

> Thanks Scott,
> What if I want to save data in text files into the same 
> directory/folder 
> as the app (or a sub folder)?

It's the same deal.  Most times the Program Files folder
will be just fine.  If it isn't let the user specify a 
location.  I routinely install (via my installer) software
onto users systems (they download it and the installer
puts it in the default position - Program Files - in
a folder with my company name.  Below that folder I
put the application name and below that again I put the
data directory.  Generally database and configuration
files go in the data directory).  In the fifteen years
of Windows 32 I've not had a situation where the Program
Files folder was a problem.  Those who wanted to install
elsewhere are given the option at install time.



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