The formatted mouseline?

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Thu Jan 12 12:20:10 EST 2006

On 12 Jan 2006, at 16:16, Mark Swindell wrote:

> I'm looking for the location of the formatted line, or its  
> coordinates relative the field, so that I can place a graphic (an  
> underline or somesuch) under the text of that formatted line.  This  
> has to be derived from the mouse position relative to the formatted  
> line position as this graphic will move based on where the mouse is.

Not perfect, but something like this in the field script (graphic 1  
is the graphic to be moved):

on mouseMove
   put the mouseChunk into tMC
   if tMC <> empty then
     get the formattedRect of tMC
     set the top of graphic 1 to item 4 of it
   end if
end mouseMove

I'm assuming the graphic width would be set to the width of the field.

One limitation is that when the mouse moves over empty space at the  
end of a line, the mouseChunk returns empty. I can't think of a way  
round that.


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