Problem with printing in landscape mode

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Tue Jan 10 14:05:48 EST 2006

Hi Levi,

>I've only tried this on a windows system, but the documentation
>indicates that Mac OS does not support the setting "printRotated" so it's
>not really applicable either.

In Mac OSX, the dialog box displayed by "answer printer" includes the 
option to change orientation to landscape mode; so in that 
environment you simply need to instruct the user to select landscape.

On Win XP, Rev v2.6.1, the answer printer dialog includes a 
preferences button that allows the user to change orientation to 
landscape.  What happens if you select it & set the orientation, with 
or without the following "set the printRotated..." statement?

Rob Cozens, Staff Conservator
Mendonoma Marine Life Conservancy

"It is contrary to human welfare to contribute in any way...
  to the degradation of the sea's capacity to support life."

  -- Walter Hickel, U. S. Secretary of the Interior, 1971
     in "From Abundance to Scarcity" by Michael L. Weber 

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