
Stephen Gorton sgorton at
Mon Jan 9 06:48:51 EST 2006

yes you're right.

i have just completed my own version of the average function that can 
move up and down my "array"
i keep forgetting tht we are talking about an associative array with 
possible non-numerical "keys"

i am used to array[linenumber][itemnumber]
which seems more simple to me (for what i wanna do anyway)

thanks to all


Alex Tweedly wrote:

> Stephen Gorton wrote:
>> xavier,
>> found the solution....
>> put average(item 2 of line 20 to 30 of thearray) into theaverage
>> it scares me that i find the solution on google but not in the 
>> documentation
>> to be honest - rev is very powerful - but its difficult to harness 
>> this power if it isn't documented,  (ie 3rdparty books)
>> references are fine if you know the -exact- keywords that you are 
>> looking for.
> Hold on just a second there Stephen :-)
> I think there was some confusion there ... in Rev, it's common to hold 
> a number of values in a single variable, each on a separate line. Many 
> constructs that would require an array in other languages can be best 
> handled that way. It sounds as though that's what you're doing - and 
> in that case  "average(item 2 of line 20 to 30 of thearray)" is indeed 
> the answer.
> However, that is not what Rev calls an array.
> In Rev an *array* is a set of cell elements, each has a content and an 
> index; they can be referred to as
>  tArray[index]
> so you might say
>  put 213 into tArray[index]
> I'd suggest it's misleading and potentially confusing to call a 
> variable "thearray" if it is, in fact, a standard Rev variable holding 
> its contents as a series of line-separated values.
> If you go have one of those Rev arrays, then you can get the list of 
> all index values (as Mr X. said) by doing
>   put the keys of tArray into theKeys
> You may also want to see the docs on "combine" and "split" which 
> provide handy ways to convert from the array form to the "list of 
> values on lines" form if you need to do so.
> P.S. you're right about it being hard to use the docs until you know 
> the exact right words to look up. But there aren't that many of them, 
> you'll learn the ones you need fairly quickly - so hang in there. And 
> this mailing list will be here to help if you get stuck ...

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