Set the icon to (icon of another stack)

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Wed Jan 4 13:05:23 EST 2006

Paul, et al,

 >If you care to send me your stacks privately, I will test it here.

Spurred on by Ken's assertion that it couldn't be done, I spent the 
last 90 minutes trying to prove him wrong...and failed.

* I built a two card stack with three buttons with icons on the first 
& one button with an icon on the second.

* I added two radio buttons to card 1 that switch between one image 
library and the other.

* I created two image library stacks, "x2" and "x3".  X2 contains 
three images; x3 contains four, with the first three having the same 
ids as the three in x2.  The icon on the button on card 2 is set to 
the id of the fourth image in x3.

* alwaysBuffer is false for all stacks & images, and destroyStack is 
true for both image libraries

* If I don't start using library x3 before going to card 2, the 
button icon on card 2 is empty.  Once I start using x3, the icon 
appears on card 2, and remains after I close x3 and start using x2 again.

* I have tried simply stop using a library stack and actually closing 
it...which should remove the images from RAM--no go

* I have tried setting the icon to empty and resetting it--nada also

I conclude that the imageData for icons is stored somewhere at 
runtime -- despite alwaysBuffer being false -- and, one resolved, Rev 
keeps it separate from the stack data.

I'm curious whether this would have worked in the HyperCard runtime 
environment; but not curious enough to spend more time on it now.

Rob Cozens CCW
Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
  Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

  from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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