One cute hack for MacOS X (... or nice internet protocol helper hacks...)

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Tue Jan 3 04:02:42 EST 2006

On 3 Jan 2006, at 06:57, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Andre Garzia wrote:
>> On Jan 3, 2006, at 3:43 AM, Ken Ray wrote:
>>> That's so cool, Andre! Nicely done... any idea on how to do it  
>>> on  Windows?
>>> ;-)
>> I bet it's a registry hack, might even be easier than Macs...  
>> I'll  find out and tell you! ;-)
>> the beauty of this solution is that the stacks never touch the  
>> disk,  it's all on memory, the GURLGURL event will tell rev a URL  
>> and Rev  will load it on the fly. It's not like Safari downloading  
>> the stack,  taging it as a safe file type and loading after the  
>> download. I don't  know if we have this kind of flexibility in  
>> windows, but I'll do some  research!
> Is there a way to have a user set this up without having to do it  
> manually themselves by downloading that specialized app?
> It would be ideal if this could be set up via AppleScript, driven  
> by the click of a button in our apps....

Wouldn't this be opening up a huge security hole for users if it  
could be done this easily? If I understand this correctly, this would  
be similar to the "help" protocol security issue that was around with  
OS X 10.2.8 (or thereabouts). See the following URL. 

Andre wrote:

> What can you do with things such as this? Well, you can create  
> educational resources as HTML and create little demo stacks, when  
> the user clicks on the demo stack links inside the HTML, the app  
> will load on demand inside Revolution (or Dreamcard player,  
> whichever is available, you could even create your own loader using  
> splash techniques), which would be a very easy student user  
> experience.

Unfortunately, I think someone could also add links in web pages to  
stacks  that read/delete your hard drive contents, install and launch  
other apps, etc.

Sorry to be the doom merchant. :-)


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