OSX & Win icons

Mark Talluto userev at canelasoftware.com
Sun Jan 1 15:05:37 EST 2006

On Jan 1, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Marty Knapp wrote:

> Happy New Year everyone,
> Say, I'm getting ready to deploy an application to OSX and Windows,  
> and one of the issues is the application icon. I've read Chipp's  
> and Ken's tutorials and downloaded IconBuilder, which looks great  
> accept for two things - it's a bit expensive and it won't run on my  
> OS 10.2.8 machine (needs 10.3.9).
> I did find a $20 shareware program called "Export Icon Plug-in 1.7"  
> for Photoshop - does anyone have any experience with that? It  
> seemed to work on all but the largest size (turned the background  
> solid black). I also downloaded QTam or windows. It generates a  
> Windows .ICO, but when I try to use it in Rev (I have 2.2.1  
> Enterprise) I get the message that "the file does not include 8  
> required image formats" and it lists various sizes and formats. I  
> haven't paid the shareware fee yet - want to make sure it'll do  
> what I need. The instructions are a bit sparse as well. I looks  
> like the largest image size it will import is 48x48.
> Thanks for any help.

Hi Marty,

I use "Icon Workshop 6" from Axialis, <http://www.axialis.com/ 
It will allow you to make your icons for Windows and Mac X with  
ease.  They even have a demo version so you can try it out and make  
actual icons during their trial period.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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