Stack structure, media and memory?

Ross Giddings rossgiddings at
Fri Feb 17 07:33:08 EST 2006

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Ross Giddings

Klaus Major wrote:

> Hi Ken,
>> Hi all
>> I'm seeking advice on stack structure, for a template for a
>> presentation-type standalone. I'm using R2.7 trial.
>> The (proposed) app will have a main menu, but I'd like a separate  
>> navigation
>> menu, maybe a stack menu with a series of pulldown menu buttons for
>> navigation (Section 1, page x... etc).
>> Content will be contained in other stacks (or substacks?).  Each  
>> stack card
>> will need to load a large image or a movie (from external  
>> directory), and
>> there would be lots of cards.  The cards will also contain text,  
>> buttons,
>> drawn objects, animations etc. Text and vector graphics would be  
>> done in
>> Rev.
>> However, I can't find info on what exactly happens to loaded media  
>> when a
>> card (or substack) is closed, in terms of memory purging.  I've had  
>> other
>> stand alone media-heavy apps hang because of memory overload so  it's an
>> issue for me.
> All media on a card or in a stack are only loaded when needed and  
> unloaded
> when you leave the card they were on.
> This is because the "alwaysbuffer" of players and images is set to  
> "false" by default.
> And the "bufferhiddenimages" is also set to "false" by default.
> Check the documentation for an exact definition of these properties.
>> The Rev pdf manual says <If one stack in a stack file is loaded  into 
>> memory,
>> so are any other stacks in the same stack file. You cannot load one  
>> stack in
>> a stack file without loading all the rest at the same time even if  
>> you open
>> only one of the stacks.>
>> Questions  (these refer to the behaviour of a standalone app):
>> 1. Am I right to interpret the above quote to mean a stack file  
>> includes any
>> substacks, and these are all are loaded when the main stack is ?
> Yes.
>> 2.  It isn't possible to purge a substack from memory using  
>> destroyStack,
>> even if the substack is closed and another opened ?
> Yes (but I am not 100% sure) it is not possible.
> This is only possible with separate stacks (files).
>> 3.  So, to purge a stack from memory when it's closed, I would need  
>> to use
>> separate main stacks for each section ?
> Yes.
>> 4.  So, if it is necessary to use a series of separate stacks,  these 
>> will
>> not be bundled together into a single file when the standalone is  
>> built?
> Exactly.
> Hope that helps :-)
>> Ken
> Regards
> Klaus Major
> klaus at
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