More e-mail troubles

Bill Marriott wjm at
Tue Feb 28 16:01:43 EST 2006

I also am reluctant to bring this to the list's attention, but I have not 
received any emails from RunRev -- no mailing list, no replies to support 
emails, no announcements (if there were any), and no trial keys. I am able 
to post here only because the gmane system is working. I have triple-checked 
my spam folders and email filters. I don't know if the problem is two-way. 
My next step was to give RunRev a phone call but so far I haven't found a 
few free minutes due to the time difference. I just wanted others to know 
they're not alone having this problem... and to ask RunRev to look into it, 
please, as this is the only way besides an int'l call that seems to be 
working to reach you.


"Bob Warren" <robertum at> wrote in 
message news:4404AE10.4070406 at
> Dear All,
> I would not normally dream of trying to deal with an administrative 
> problem on this List, but it seems that all communication with Technical 
> Support has been cut off. I have been unable to get a word out of them for 
> the last 10 days (and even then it was only one word).

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