More e-mail troubles

Bob Warren robertum at
Tue Feb 28 15:09:52 EST 2006

Dear All,

I would not normally dream of trying to deal with an administrative 
problem on this List, but it seems that all communication with Technical 
Support has been cut off. I have been unable to get a word out of them 
for the last 10 days (and even then it was only one word).

I have tried sending copies of my e-mails to Mark Chia and to Kevin, 
with no result.

My aim in sending details of my difficulty to the List is 2-fold:

1) Presuming that there is some good technical reason for my 
communication cutoff, perhaps someone in Technical Support will see it 
and give me an answer.

2) Regarding the possibility that my computer might have been attacked 
by a Use-Revolution-List-specific virus or even a hacker, perhaps 
someone can give me advice on what to do, especially if they have had a 
similar experience. This is the most urgent part.

Since sending the e-mails below, I suddenly received all the outstanding 
U-R Lists in one great dollop.

Hoping someone can clarify.


Dear Heather,

Please note that I am writing to you from my old e-mail address 
(warren at and not from the address which I have used 
exclusively and successfully regarding RR communications 
(robertum at for quite some time now.

You will remember that I was obliged to change from warren at 
to robertum at because of incompatibility problems between your 
server and mine, with the result that the Use-Revolution Lists were 
being bounced by my server.

You will see below copies of 2 e-mails I have sent you recently (using 
robertum at I have received no replies of any kind. When I 
wrote to you, the only problem I was suffering was the one described 
(i.e. the possibility of a virus/hacker attack, causing my posts to the 
U-R List to be sent to private addresses in other parts of the world). 
In order to help clarify the source of the problem, I really needed some 
kind of reply on your part.

However, since then, another problem has occurred. I have just received
use-revolution Digest, Vol 29, Issue 73 (at last). The last one I 
received was very early on Saturday morning: use-revolution Digest, Vol 
29, Issue 66. I have visited my account at RunRev, and I see that your 
server is apparently reporting bounces.

As quite obviously this subject needs to be dealt with URGENTLY, I find 
it very difficult to believe that you would not answer my e-mails. There 
must therefore be some other explanation. Either my computer has been 
infected with a Use-Revolution specific virus or hacker attack, and my 
Norton Antivirus and anti-spyware is unable to detect it, or my account 
at RunRev is in a big mess or has also been infected in some way.

At this moment I am completely foxed as to what on earth is going on, so 
if we can establish some kind of communication I can perhaps find my way 



Dear Heather,

I sent you the e-mail below on the 20th Feb., but since I have not yet 
received any kind of reply, I have begun to wonder whether you received 
it or indeed whether your reply got lost in the post.


Dear Heather,

During the last few days (coincidence or not, since you corrected the 
Sales Department's record of my new e-mail address), something very 
strange has been happening. I have been quite active on the 
Use-Revolution List during this time. Everything I have sent has been 
received and published on the list normally. However, something 
somewhere is sending copies of my e-mails to other people (with 
apparently normal accounts) in other parts of the world. I know this 
because I have received messages back telling me that the person's 
mailbox is full, or that their anti-spam filter doesn't recognise me as 
a "friend" and they need me to confirm that I really did send them the 
message (which I didn't, of course).

Using the same account (robertum at, I have tried sending 
e-mails to other people, and so far there has been no evidence of a 
similar thing happening. Naturally, I have run my Norton anti-virus and 
a whole host of anti-spyware programs, but as far as I can see, my 
computer is absolutely clean. On the face of it, it would seem that the 
RR server is responsible for re-distributing my messages.

What say you? Have you ever seen anything like this before? Have you had 
any confusions or virus/hacker attacks on the RR server recently? Are 
user contributions ever sent directly to other users as well as being 
published on the List?

It will be interesting to see whether this very message also gets sent 
to somebody else, but I can only know that if it gets rejected by their 
server for some reason and is returned to me.

Never a dull moment!




On 16 Feb 2006, at 23:29, Bob Warren wrote:

 > Dear Colleagues,
 > Please note that my old e-mail address (warren at should 
not be used for RR communications. The new address is robertum at .
 > Thanks.
 > Robert John Warren

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