Transcript and Dot Notation - the really "embarrassing" concepts IMHO

Judy Perry jperryl at
Mon Feb 27 01:54:51 EST 2006


Dan:  does not progress occur more often when people disagree than when
they agree?

What is the incentive for progress when everyone is one big mass of
contented, happy campers?  (the Rev list comes to mind, for instance: is
it everybody being supremely contented that moves the company to fix bugs,
invent new functionalities?  I don't think so!).

Disagreement moves us along as a society, seeking a new common ground, new
solutions, novelty in general.

Strong opinions are a necessary ingredient (you would suspect me to claim



On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Dan Shafer wrote:

> In the future, I'll keep my strong opinions to myself.

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