Export to pdf

Mark Swindell mdswindell at cruzio.com
Sat Feb 25 14:08:54 EST 2006

Facilitating high resolution PDF export of screens should be a high- 
priority feature for future releases of Rev, in my opinion.

On Feb 25, 2006, at 10:49 AM, Marty Knapp wrote:

> Thanks Roger and Sarah,
> As my stack will be used by others, I need a more portable solution  
> than the UDC and I need Windows and Mac solution. I did compare  
> exporting as snapshot in the jpeg and png formats and the png  
> format seems to have a bit more quality. The exported image will be  
> printed by a fulfillment center and they prefer to use PDFs, but  
> I've asked them to consider an exception and test in other formats.  
> We'll see what they say. Still, I'm dealing with screen resolution  
> which is about half of what I'd like.
> I'll keep tinkering!
> Marty Knapp

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