Export to pdf

Marty Knapp martyknapp at comcast.net
Sat Feb 25 13:49:57 EST 2006

Thanks Roger and Sarah,

As my stack will be used by others, I need a more portable solution than 
the UDC and I need Windows and Mac solution. I did compare exporting as 
snapshot in the jpeg and png formats and the png format seems to have a 
bit more quality. The exported image will be printed by a fulfillment 
center and they prefer to use PDFs, but I've asked them to consider an 
exception and test in other formats. We'll see what they say. Still, I'm 
dealing with screen resolution which is about half of what I'd like.

I'll keep tinkering!
Marty Knapp

Roger.E.Eller at sealedair.com wrote:
> On 2/25/06, Marty Knapp <martyknapp at comcast.net> wrote:
>> I have a card with an assortment of objects - native Rev graphic images,
>> text fields and possibly an imported jpg, png or gif image (some of
>> these could overlap each other). I'm using the export as snapshot to a
>> jpeg, but would be interested to know if there's a way to export this to
>> a pdf, preferably with more resolution than I'm getting. Does anyone
>> know if this is possible, and if so, how?
> Take a look at Universal Document Converter (UDC) at 
> http://www.print-driver.com  It allows you to print to JPG, PNG, etc. from 
> any application; even from rev stacks. This is a PC solution, however it 
> can be shared as a network printer that is accessible by Macs.
> Roger Eller <roger.e.eller at sealedair.com>

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