Win XP and Rev 2.7

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Feb 22 14:22:20 EST 2006

--- bryan at wrote:
> I have to assume a lot of people using Revolution
> are not on Windows boxes. Why? I have never
> encountered a more crash prone release of the
> product. In my day-to-day use I have had to roll
> back
> and return to using 2.6.1. Rev 2.7 is unusable in
> its current incarnation on Win XP. It crashes
> multiple times per day while doing absolutely
> nothing. I am amazed that there has been so little
> howling about this on the list. Releasing this
> version as is for Windows makes no sense to me. It
> is
> the single biggest negative piece of publicity the
> company could possibly have created for itself. I
> would urge the company to spend the time to fix this
> release before adding a single new feature.

Hi Bryan,

Could you be more specific about the circumstances
under which Rev 2.7 is crashing on your computer? I've
been using it on both a Win2K machine and a WinXP
machine since release, and not seen a single crash.

In the process, I've used database calls, as well as
experimented with the new blendlevel options and
antialiasing properties -- and played around with
revSpeech to the amusement of my colleagues.

I'm sure that if you can pin down a recipe, and send
it along with your PC specs to support at, or
file them in Bugzilla, the issue will be addressed

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

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