Difficulty using shell in Ubuntu Linux

Bob Warren robertum at brturbo.com
Wed Feb 22 02:42:03 EST 2006

Thanks for that Stomfi!


Stomfi wrote:

 >I have found that using the space token as in
 >put ($HOME & "/Desktop/folder" & space & "name" & space & "name")
 >into MyVar
 >works as well.
 >You may have to:
 >replace return with empty in MyVar

 >and you with definately have to do this when returning lines from
 >the shell into runrev as the shell puts a return at the end of its
 >returned string which stops runrev from seeing it as one line.

 >Also you might want to use the quote token around a Linux variable
 >with embedded tokens like spaces that the shell interprets for its
 >own language, as quotes stop this from happening in *Nix.

 >put (quote & $HOMEetc & quote) into MyVar

 >See the shell man page on quoting using backslash, double and single
 >quotes. type "man bash" or "info bash" on the command line to read
 >all about using the "bash" shell, or you can read part 1 of my
 >"power end user" articles on www.linuxquestions.org to read some
 >simplified knowledge about shell basics.

 >If you use the runrev $HOME variable in your path strings, it makes
 >you app portable to any user.

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