URL link -- newbie time

Jonathan Lynch jonathandlynch at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 17:00:29 EST 2006

1) you need to set the linktext of the text you want to be a link:

set the linktext of word 2 of field "myField" to www.google.com

2) You need to receive and process the message that is generated when you
click the link.

on linkClicked pLink
  revGoUrl pLink
end linkClicked

If you want to click a link in an unlocked field, you need to use the
selectionchanged handler, rather than the linkClicked handler. It is a
little more complicated to use:

on selectionChanged
  put the selectedchunk into tChunk
  if tChunk = empty or word 4 of tChunk >= word 2 of tChunk then exit
  put the linktext of the selection into tLink
  revGoUrl tLink
end selectionChanged

If you have different kinds of links in your app, you may need to add more
to it, but these are the basics.

Good luck,


On 2/21/06, Timothy Miller <gandalf at doctortimothymiller.com> wrote:
> Oh dear, this isn't supposed to be difficult. Maybe I'll get used to
> the new documentation format. So far, it seems to have evolved from
> "terse" to "overwhelming."
> All I want to do is put a clickable link in a field that will open a
> web browser and navigate to the URL specified in the link.
> I.e., I might like to enter a link like
> http://www.nigerianmillions.com in a field. There might be text in
> the field, before and after the link. If I click on the link, I want
> my web browser to open and go to that web page.
> I can't quite figure out how. It will be obvious *after* someone
> tells me. It never seems obvious *before* someone tells me.
> I have several web browsers installed on my machine. Can I specify a
> browser with the link? Like, "Use any browser that happens to be
> open." or "If no browser is open, use Safari"? Otherwise, just "Use
> Safari; launch it first if necessary"?
> Thanks,
> Tim
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