Parameters [WAS: Main menu puzzle]

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Feb 20 20:55:26 EST 2006

Ken Apthorpe wrote:

> You are having a dream.  You are in a different country, and there's a group
> of locals around you all talking to each other.  It's an english-like
> language, you catch individual words but they string them together in a very
> strange way.  You stand there gawking and trying to understand.  Suddenly
> they all start jumping up and down and waving their arms around and
> jabbering at you. Then they all start running away like crazy. You stand
> there trying to figure out what they were saying.  It sounds something like
> on alertStranger "mixmastabilongjeezuscrise!"
> beep
> put "wanpelasquashimallbuggerup!" into field "Stupid"
> end alertStranger
> What are they telling you?

shoodnaswaronlis. aneniway, prameterzdonhakwotz.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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